
Let us help your school achieve a 100% pass rate for the FAA knowledge test

We charge flight schools absolutely nothing to take advantage of our platform. Students pay one time directly for their access to our platform. Our most popular courses are only $30 (for Private Pilot) and $40 (for most others) for an entire year of access with free updates and free technical support. Students can access the course on any device.

Benefits for Schools

  • Progress tracking for all your students enrolled in our course.

  • Instant PDF downloadable test endorsement upon successful completion of our platform.

  • Bulk account sign-up with flight school discount for schools that want to enroll their students directly (ask us for more information).

  • Free remote training for your instructors so they can be familiar with the platform.

Eligibility Requirements

Our exclusive discounts and instructor portal are designed for flight schools who have an average continuous student enrollment of 25 students or more. Our regular platform is already compatible with the needs of most CFIs, and individual students can already generate printable progress reports to show their CFIs their study progress.


Our instructor portal platform, exclusive school discount code, and other tools for your school are 100% free of charge. Some schools may opt to purchase the course on behalf of their students in bulk. For schools that purchase the course on behalf of their students, we offer a special discounted rate based on school size and volume of students enrolled. Contact us for more information!

Schools get free access to our instructor portal to understand their students' progress.

Ready to learn more or get started?

What's your role at this flight school? Example: owner, manager, instructor, etc.
If you have a website, we'd love to take a look!
Let us know how many students you typically have at any given point in a year so we can better understand how we might be able to serve you.
Check off anything you would be interested in. There is no commitment and we are happy to answer all your questions before proceeding further.
Let us know how we can assist with you and your preferred contact method, and we'll be in touch!