
Study Software Features

Our online study platform was designed with you, the student, in mind. Read about our key features and advantages below.

Study Mode

Study from your test's full question bank, or a subset of questions at your discretion. Need to really nail down just weather questions? No problem! Study Mode is designed to be flexible.


Brief and straight to the point explanations with each question. Many references point you right to the source: such as the Airplane Flying Handbook, Pilots Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, or other relevant FAA publications.

Practice Tests

Take a simulated test that mimics the real thing with the correct number of questions and proper question distribution. Just like an actual exam, we wont show you what you got right or wrong until you submit the test for grading.

Study Statistics

We'll keep track of how you're progressing, including the number of questions you've seen and your accuracy in answering them. Your practice test final results are available to review indefinitely so you can show your progress to your CFI or ground instructor.

Figures Built-in

No need to lug around a bulky testing supplement book when you are practicing. The relevant figures for each question are presented to you alongside the question.

Always Updated

Since we are a web-based application, the content you see is always the latest version. No bulky downloads, waiting for an update to finish, or wondering if you're seeing the latest content.

Free Test Endorsement

Once you've completed reviewing all questions and passed two practice tests with an 85% or better, you can instantly download a printable knowledge test endorsement (for Private, Commercial, Instrument, and Fundamentals of Instruction knowledge tests).

Study Anywhere

Our web-based platform works on almost any device with an internet connection and browser, allowing you to study pretty much anywhere.

Built-in Flight Computer

Pull up a simulated electronic flight computer alongside your questions to answer questions with calculations, without the need to have your physical E6B handy.

Other Features

* While we do not limit number of devices you can sign in from, your purchase entitles only one person to use the service until the expiration date. Sharing your account with other users is prohibited.

System Requirements

Our study system is web-based and built to work in any modern web browser including, but not limited to, Edge, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. Since we are web based, you can expect to study on any operating system including Windows, macOS, and Linux.

We highly recommend you use our study system on a screen at least 10 inches in size so you can easily see the associated test figures (unless you are referencing a printed testing supplement). Many of our subscribers use their iPad or Android tablet as a distraction free way to study.

While our study platform does work on a smartphone, we advise against it for the above-mentioned reasons. We also believe the closer your study setup is to an actual exam center, the more familiar and memorable the content will be on your exam day.

Chances are, if you are viewing this website without any issues, you’re on a compatible system. If you have questions, contact us before purchase.