Pass your FAA knowledge test!

We help pilots quickly and painlessly pass their FAA knowledge tests with the latest questions utilizing an easy-to-use online test preparation platform.

Instant Access 24/7

No need to sign up via phone or install and activate clunky desktop software. Just sign up online and begin studying in minutes on your device!

Use on Any Platform

We don't lock you down and limit your ability to study on just one device. Our web-based study application works anywhere with an internet connection, including on Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android.

Accurate Questions and Answers

Rather than see questions that are similar to the actual ones, we aim to show you the exact questions as you will see them on exam day. Don't get surprised on exam day with a load of unfamiliar questions!

We use a simple approach to passing the knowledge test quickly

We prepare you to ace the written test by teaching you the answers to  the most relevant and current FAA written test questions. There are no overly lengthy explanations, flashy graphics, or time-consuming videos to watch. We are not a ground school program. Your time is valuable and we believe there are countless excellent ground school programs that should be used to help you understand the material; rather, we are here to help you pass the written test quickly and painlessly.

Get endorsed for the knowledge test!

Once you have successfully passed two simulated knowledge tests on our platform, we instantly provide you an endorsement to go take the real test! The best part? It’s entirely free of charge and included with your course!

(Applies to Private, Commercial, Instrument, and Fundamentals of Instruction tests. Must complete the course and pass two practice exams with a score of 85% or better.)
Knowledge test endorsement is included free!

We can help you with almost any FAA knowledge test:

We currently offer the following written test preparation courses:

  • Advanced Ground Instructor (AGI)
  • Aircraft Dispatcher (ADX)
  • Airline Transport Pilot (ATS & ATM)
  • Airline Transport Pilot Helicopter (ATH)
  • Aviation Maintenance Technician Airframe (AMA)
  • Aviation Maintenance Technician General (AMG)
  • Aviation Maintenance Technician Powerplant (AMP)
  • Commercial Pilot Airplane (CAX)
  • Commercial Pilot Helicopter (CRH)
  • Flight Instructor Airplane (FIA)
  • Flight Instructor Helicopter (FRH)
  • Flight Instructor Instrument Airplane (FII)
  • Flight Instructor Instrument Helicopter (FIH)
  • Fundamentals of Instruction (FOI)
  • Instrument Ground Instructor (IGI)
  • Instrument Rating Airplane (IRA)
  • Instrument Rating Helicopter (IRH)
  • Military Competence Non-Category (MCN)
  • Military Competence Instructor (MCI)
  • Parachute Rigger (RIG)
  • Private Pilot Airplane (PAR)
  • Unmanned Aircraft General (UAG)

Looking for something not offered yet? Tell us and we may add it in the future!

Compare us to the competition

Pass the WrittenCompany SCompany KCompany D
Any Device✓ YesMust pick 1 at time of purchase – cannot changeYesMust pick 1 at time of purchase – cannot change
Device Limit✓ UnlimitedStrict 1 device limitNoneNone, but all must be same type
Buy 24/7 Online✓ YesNo – must order by phone during business hoursYesYes
Free Support✓ YesYesYesYes
Question Bank UpdatesUpdated in real time as soon as new content availableUpdated frequently according to their website. Updates have to be downloaded and installed.Updates are included, but unknown update interval – ask themUpdates are included, but unknown update interval. Updates must be downloaded and installed.
Free Test Endorsement✓ Yes – instantNo policy listed – some students report getting one after asking and meeting criteriaYes, but manually processedNo, must pay $120 and schedule a Skype call
Expires?1 year, with 50% off a second year if needed1 year, or until you take the test, whichever comes firstNoNo
Cost (for IRA test)$40.00$50.00 $299.00$54.99

We've got your back!

All courses include one full year of access for one person – more than enough time even for the toughest of tests, or just for those of us who procrastinate (no judgement!). We stand behind you 100% of the way by providing timely support via e-mail.


We wont make any claims that we are the best or better than any other course; in fact, there are some great written test preparation courses out there and different learners may find different systems to be more effective. That being said, we built this platform from the ground up to be the most modern, easy to use, no-nonsense approach to getting an excellent score on your FAA written exam. We work on nearly any kind of internet-enabled device, don’t lock down your access to one device like some other courses, and have a simple, easy-to-navigate system so you can focus on learning the material rather than a piece of software.

Yes, in fact this separates us from most of the competition. Many test preparation software programs only update every few months or less, leaving test takers exposed to numerous unseen questions on their actual test. Even worse are printed test preparation books which are only updated on an annual basis and are outdated by the time they reach you. We update questions based on actual test-taker feedback and suggestions several times per month. Our database was last updated in February, 2025.

Of course not! Signing up via phone is so 1999! You can sign up without having to speak to any human 24/7 from the comfort of … well, anywhere! If you have issues signing up, you can e-mail us 24/7/365 and we will respond to you quickly!

Sorry, no; a purchase is for one person only. While we don’t lock your studying to a single device like other study programs, we do monitor logins to detect account sharing. We keep our prices low in the hopes that you wont feel the need to share accounts to defray costs. If you want to purchase access for multiple users (flight schools, universities, etc.) please contact us for a special rate.

All purchases are valid for 1 year unless stated otherwise. This is because we are constantly updating and improving our systems for you at no additional charge, unlike a book or program which does not get updates. If you need more time for some reason, we are happy to renew your account for another year at 50% off the currently listed price.

Nope! We hate recurring payments probably as much as you do. Your payment is a one time charge, so no need to worry about canceling before the expiration date.

Not quite! Our learning system is aimed at getting you to pass the written test so you can focus on the other aspects of your learning. We are not a substitute for a certificated instructor! While you will learn some concepts along the way, there is no substitute for a proper ground school program, especially for challenging subjects such as Instrument.

Any modern web browser supports our learning and practice test platform. Therefore, you can study using almost any desktop, tablet, or smartphone with an internet connection. However, we highly suggest you use a device with at least a tablet-sized screen or larger to easily see and review the figures associated with questions. If you do prefer to use a smartphone, we suggest obtaining the printed appropriate testing supplement so you can view the figures at full-size.

This is very much a personal decision; some students like to get the written test out of the way at the beginning of a rating to focus on the rest of their training. Some prefer to wait until they are closer to the checkride.

In any case, we recommend using our platform about two to three weeks before your scheduled exam date and continue using it until the day before your exam. (We regularly add questions and this is a great way to ensure you get no surprises on exam day!) It will take a typical student a few hours a day over a couple weeks to learn the entirety of the question bank.

Once your practice tests on are regularly in the 90%+ range, we know you’ll be ready for test day.

You may find other test prep products have more questions, some less. What does this mean for you? Put simply, more or less questions does not mean a higher quality product! We show only questions that could appear on the actual test. We don’t add in extra questions we think might appear on a hunch or for practice. Your time is valuable, so why waste it studying for questions that wont show up? Preparing for unnecessary questions leads to study fatigue and poor performance on the actual test.

As of March, 2024, these are the approximate number of questions you will see on our most popular exams:

  • PAR: ~1000
  • IRA: ~1150
  • CAX: ~1050
  • ATM: ~1100

The exact number varies as we constantly add and remove questions as they appear on the actual test.

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Content © 2023-2025 unless otherwise attributed. All rights reserved.